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Andrew Dawes  
Community Justice Coordinator 

31 Matilda St - PO BOX 469 NORMANTON QLD 4890

Lamberr Wungarch Justice Group

We provide a safe and welcoming environment to anyone wishing to engage with our service.
Confidential assistance is provided that is personally suited to your needs.

Aims & Objectives

Increase Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples knowledge about the Justice System
• Support & empower Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Victims and Offenders at all stages of the legal process.
• Improve the links between Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people & statutory workers, police & the courts
• Develop Community based strategies that provide an alternative to the Criminal Justice System  


Services We Provide

Provide support & information for Victims & Offenders through Court processes
• Attend Court sittings when Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander offenders and victims are attending
• Preparation &,,presentation of Bail & Sentencing
{Culture Report} Submissions to the Court
• Assistance with Victim Impact Statements & provide appropriate referrals
• Pro-actively refer Victims & Offenders to Legal Services and Diversionary Support Agencies
• Provide access to & assistance contacting Government Departments & completing official documents (BlueCard & SPER, Birth Certificates & 18+ Cards}
• Mediation of Disputes & Peacekeeping

The Lamberr Wungarch Prize

Law Essay Prize

The Lamberr Wungarch Prize is an essay prize awarded to graduating Year 6 students from the Gulf region in far north Queensland. (Croydon, Normanton, Kowanyama, Doomadgee, Burketown, Mornington Island, Pormpuraaw, Weipa).

The Prize aim is for students, from both indigenous and non-indigenous backgrounds, to address an issue that the Lamberr Wungarch Board feels is disproportionately affecting remote communities within the Gulf of Carpentaria.

The essay topic for 2019 is;

"From your lived experiences, think about ways to stop the overrepresentation of indigenous men, women and children in the Queensland judicial system."

Please review the links below for information and rules relating to the competition.


31 Matilda St
PO BOX 469
QLD 4890


Phone: (07) 4745 1063
Mobile: 0459 451 063